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Latest Articles

Blue DNA double helix on a blue and yellow background.

Answers to Unsolved Rare Disease Mysteries May Be on the Horizon

In this opinion piece, Neil Ward explores how advances in sequencing could help to provide new insights for rare disease patients.

An artist's sketch of a plague.

What Are We Still Learning About Ancient Pathogens and Diseases?

Insight into the history of human–pathogen interactions, how different societies responded to disease and the origin of pathogens supports our understanding of human health and evolution. We explore what we're still learning about ancient pathogens and diseases.
Microscopy image of elongated bacteria in groups of two or three.

Your Gut Is Proof That You Lived Through a Pandemic

A microbiome analysis study highlights that pandemic-related lifestyle changes may be responsible for alterations seen in the microbial profile of the small intestine before versus during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A header reading "feeding tomorrow" displayed using fruit and vegetables.

Feeding Tomorrow: Exploring the Next Frontier in Food

Our food system is at a pivotal moment; there is enormous potential for innovation to unlock more healthy, accessible and sustainable diets for all, but we are simultaneously facing huge global challenges.
A title reading "An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics"

An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian statistics has emerged as a powerful methodology for making decisions from data in the applied sciences. Bayesian brings a new way of thinking to statistics, in how it deals with probability, uncertainty and drawing inferences from an analysis.
A section of RNA split from a DNA strand.

Gene Therapy: A New Frontier in Disease-Modifying Therapies

The gene therapy landscape is dynamic and constantly shifting. In this article, we will review major advances in disease modification for illnesses that presently still lack effective treatments, as well as some challenges and approaches to overcome them.
A surgeon operating on a patient using a head mounted optical tool for precision work.

Implanting Microdevices Into Brain Tumors To Determine the Best Treatment

Scientists have demonstrated the potential for using intratumoral microdevices (IMDs) to test various cancer drugs on the tumor before implementing systemic treatment. The approach could offer a hope in tackling hard-to-treat gliomas.
Blue and green DNA double helix on a black background.

Orthogonal Validation: A Means To Strengthen Gene Editing and Gene Modulation Research

From RNAi to CRISPR, there are several methods that researchers can use to manipulate gene function. This article explores how orthogonal validation – the synergistic use of different methods – makes genetic perturbation studies more robust.
A trace of Sanger sequencing data generated using capillary electrophoresis with a pen paying on the top.

An Introduction to Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory, Practice and Applications

Capillary electrophoresis is a powerful separation and analysis technique that offers quick and efficient results. In this article, we explore how it works, variations on the technique and their applications.
DNA double helix scribbles.

The Potential for Groundbreaking Discoveries With CRISPR Screening

In this article, we consider various platforms to modulate gene expression and the potential of CRISPR-Cas systems to understand and treat diseases, from cancers and congenital disorders to overcoming the growing prevalence of antimicrobial resistance.