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Ask Me Anything: Psychedelics

An incredible opportunity to ask Professor Boris Heifets anything about the world of Psychedelics.

Pipetting 101: Expert Hints and Tips for Perfect Pipetting

In this webinar, our expert speaker Tom Bentivegna will highlight the pipetting best practices that you can implement in your lab for a faster workflow and greater confidence in your results

The Role of Smart Technology in Mitigating Human Error and Supporting Compliance in QA/QC

This webinar discusses the role of smart technology and how this can mitigate human error and support compliance effectively in QA/QC labs.
Oxford Nanopore

Parent-of-Origin Genome Analysis: The Potential To Improve Genetic Testing

This webinar will introduce a novel method for parent-of-origin-aware genomic analysis using the long-read capabilities of nanopore sequencing and single-cell DNA template strand sequencing to assign variants to each biological parent with 99% accuracy using only a blood research sample from the child.
sciex - metabolomics

Optimizing SWATH-DIA for Exposomics and Metabolomics

In this webinar, our expert speaker will discuss how to optimize your untargeted approaches on Zeno SWATH DIA using a modular workflow. With this approach, each subset of the full mass range can be individually adjusted to meet project-specific and user-defined goals, enhancing the performance and adaptability of untargeted MS tools for exposomics research.
Thermo FIsher Scientific and BioAgilytix

Securing Cell Therapy Success: The Role of PCR in Quality Control

In this webinar, our expert speakers will explore the vital role of qPCR and digital PCR in supporting advanced therapy medicinal products, including cell therapies. Discover best practices for assay design, validation parameters and acceptance criteria crucial for ensuring the safety and efficacy of cell therapy programs. Learn how molecular precision can safeguard these innovative therapies and drive breakthroughs in the field.